Aged Care Pressure Care Mattresses

The needs of Aged Care facilities in respect to Mattresses has changed significantly over the years. Increased scrutiny and visibility by regulatory and compliance organizations on preventable patient harms including Pressure Injuries and Patient Falls exposes Aged Care to possible investigation in event of improper care.

Trends indicate that residents and patients present to Aged Care facilities requiring significantly higher care and intervention than was the case historically. Family members that place their loved ones in care rightly expect a sound and safe clinical care environment that is properly equipped to provide for the needs of their loved ones.

In terms of equipment, it is arguable that it is the Mattress which has the most profound impact on the care experience and quality of residents within Aged Care facilities. Read More

Aged Care Mattresses in Australia & NZ

Forté Healthcare has seen the need to develop high specification Mattresses with sound clinical attributes to meet this challenge and ensure facilities are properly equipped to meet demands presented within the Aged Care industry whilst enhancing the comfort of residential and long-term care.

From Icon to Sovereign Static Care Surfaces, Alaise and Zephair Air Integrated Mattresses, Forté offer a proven range that will deliver appropriate care to a broad spectrum of resident’s requirements whilst maintaining compliance with regulatory standards and perfect adaptability to new or existing bed platforms.

We are here to support and guide you as you make your choice, and you can be sure that we are provider that you can trust to give you accurate and useful information. We have worked with both Australian and New Zealand healthcare providers for over twenty years, offering effective healthcare solutions to patients with varying needs.

Why Choose an Aged Care Mattress?

There are many aged care bed options on the market. It can be very difficult to select a mattress that correctly compliments the bed, delivers true comfort, reduces risk of pressure injury and falls occurrence all whilst providing value and affordability Fortunately, at Forte Healthcare, we provide a clear manufacturer direct consultation process so that you can be confident that you have chosen the right one.

Forte Medical Mattresses are designed for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries, infection control and falls prevention. Patient comfort and care is provided, as well as protection for care staff and excellent longevity.

Forté Healthcare provides obligation free consultations to provide the most effective solution for your aged care bed mattress. All requirements are considered including logistics and installation, ensuring a comprehensive solution for aged care facilities.

Forté Medical mattresses are manufactured from the finest quality raw materials selected from specialist suppliers in Australia, Europe and the United States. Our extensive understanding of the application of raw materials within medical mattress designs ensures a unique outcome of both comfort and care.

As all our support surfaces are available customisable to order, we can include any modifications to the standard design during the manufacturing process. These options can include, but are not limited to:

Even with modifications, your custom-made mattress will be manufactured and delivered quickly. We offer a ten-day dispatch guarantee for mattress orders that are ten units or less, which means that your patient can have the aged care bed they need without having to wait for weeks or even months for delivery.

Find the Perfectly Designed Mattress for Aged Care You Need at Forte Healthcare

If you are looking for a mattress for aged care, look no further than Forte Healthcare for the ideal solution to your patients’ requirements. Whether you are after volume manufacturing or bespoke one-off production, we can provide you with high quality medical mattresses solutions that exceed patient expectations and are commercially viable .

We are an Australian owned company, and it is our mission to protect and enhance the well-being of our customers. We use innovative ideas, and we apply new concepts and techniques to our range of products so that both patients and caregivers have the best experiences.

You can browse through the range of aged care bed mattresses on our website or request a catalogue from us today. If you would like to enquire further about our aged care mattresses, do not hesitate to get in contact with us, and we would love to tell you more. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Excellent Comfort for Resident Satisfaction and Quality Sleep and Rest

Solutions for every Pressure Care & Patient Requirement

Exclusive Advantiflex & Premiflex Cover Technology

Critical Care, Pain Management, Palliative Care

Critical Care, Pain Management and Palliative Care requirements must be specifically considered to ensure patients suffering from these conditions receive optimal care.

The support surface plays a central role in effective pain management as a poorly performing mattress can result in significant disturbance, lack of sleep and traumatic situations for the care giver and patient alike.

Palliative care poses special nursing challenges, within many facilities, patients in Palliative care are unable to get out of bed. This necessitates

It is easy to become focused on pressure injury prevention and overlook comprehensive care planning that considers pain management in critical care and palliative scenarios. Common therapy practice and mattress selection for skin integrity is for many patients a contributing factor to increased pain. This begins a viscous circle which has inevitable implications on skin integrity.

Forté Healthcare manufacture several Medical Mattress solutions with features specifically designed to provide increased pain management.

Zephair Lite

The Paediatric or Lite Zephair is a hybrid alternating air mattress with immersion and stability foams to provide optimal pressure relief combined with comfort for individuals between 12 and 90kg

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Airmonte A5 Overlay

5-Inch Alternating Air Overlay delivering effective pressure relief and comfort with simple, silent pump and 22 narrow air cells

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1 - Airmonte A8 - Inner
Airmonte A8 Full Replacement

8-Inch Full Alternating Air Pressure Mattress with advanced pump unit providing option functionality for superior patient care.

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Roho Integration Options

ROHO Dry Floatation mattress segments can be integrated within any Forte mattress in any configuration creating a reactive hybrid air mattress suitable for very high risk individuals.

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High & Very High Pressure Injury Risk – Air Systems

Individuals with high to very high risk of obtaining a pressure injury or have a current pressure injury require a very high level of care. Air mattress systems systems can be used to provide a high level of care. Air can be used on a mattress in a static/reactive or alternating/active form.

Air is naturally one of the most flexible and conforming substances which makes it a very effective means of immersing and envelopment an individual- especially static air. Static air therapy is used in the Forté Alaise and ROHO technologies.

Alternating Air Systems can be effective for the most at risk individuals. The support surface Is powered by an external unit and actively onloads/offloads pressure to promote blood flow and ensure pressure is relieved periodically on every part of the body. Active air therapy is used in the Forté Zephair and Airmonte technologies.

Risk of pressure injury can be determined using a Risk Assessment tool such as the Waterlow, Braden, Norton, Cubbin-Jackson, SCIPUS, Braden Q. Each tool target slightly different risks, so it is very important to use clinical judgement following the results.

Roho Integration Options

ROHO Dry Floatation mattress segments can be integrated within any Forte mattress in any configuration creating a reactive hybrid air mattress suitable for very high risk individuals.

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Zephair Lite

The Paediatric or Lite Zephair is a hybrid alternating air mattress with immersion and stability foams to provide optimal pressure relief combined with comfort for individuals between 12 and 90kg

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Airmonte A5 Overlay

5-Inch Alternating Air Overlay delivering effective pressure relief and comfort with simple, silent pump and 22 narrow air cells

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1 - Airmonte A8 - Inner
Airmonte A8 Full Replacement

8-Inch Full Alternating Air Pressure Mattress with advanced pump unit providing option functionality for superior patient care.

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An advanced Hybrid Static Support Surface utilising a series of 13+ individual Air Cells combining the benefits of foam and air and offering unrivalled pressure redistribution, comfort, and support.

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High Pressure Injury Risk – Static Mattresses

Residents with high risk of obtaining a pressure injury require at least a high care static mattress. High care static foam mattresses should target the following key aspects of pressure injury prevention:

  • Pressure Redistribution / Reduction.
    For example, Dual Immersion with an engineered or modulated secondary immersion layer to provide deep immersion of bony prominences.
  • Micro-climate management (Heat & Moisture).
    For example, engineered foams that allow air to flow throughout the mattress or foam technology such as Airoform Gel
  • Sheer & Friction Reduction.
    For example, anti-shear inner cover or engineered/modulated foams which reduce friction/resistance
  • Repositioning & Mobility.
    For example, Firm strengthened sides and Dual immersion (which prevents over immersion/sinking)
  • Patient Compliance.
    For example, personalised comfort
  • Hygiene.
    For example, all seams high frequency welded

High Care foam static mattresses are typically reactive, providing a constant low-pressure profile whereby the pressure at every contact point is reduced.

Risk of pressure injury can be determined using a Risk Assessment tool such as the Waterlow, along with clinical judgement

High care mattresses can be used for residents up to high risk of pressure injury, and a premium pressure injury preventative mattress for those with lower risk.

Sovereign S3

A preferred Acute care fully optioned high specification support surface featuring dual immersion technology. Support capacity of 250kg, compatible with any bed surface and lightweight to reduce WH&S handling risks.

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Roho Integration Options

ROHO Dry Floatation mattress segments can be integrated within any Forte mattress in any configuration creating a reactive hybrid air mattress suitable for very high risk individuals.

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An advanced Hybrid Static Support Surface utilising a series of 13+ individual Air Cells combining the benefits of foam and air and offering unrivalled pressure redistribution, comfort, and support.

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Medium Pressure Injury Risk – Premium Mattresses

Residents spend most of their time in bed. Using high care and/or premium mattresses, aged care facilities can promote their facilities based on the quality and care provided by the mattresses on their bed.

What defines a premium mattress?

  • Foam density
    For example, the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline (The International Guideline 2019) specifies high specification foam mattresses should be > 35 kg/m3 to ensure sustained immersion, mattress longevity and prevent bottoming out.
  • Foam treatments
    For example, Forté Eversheild Anti-Microbial protection to prevent the growth of mould and bacteria. Maintaining healthy conditions within the foams reduces risk of infection control, cross patient contamination and mould.
  • Covers & Hygiene
    For example, premium mattress covers should have a high resistance to cleaning agents and all seams should be high frequency sealed/welded instead of sewn to prevent any liquid from seeping into the mattress core

Mattresses designed for residents with a medium risk of pressure injury are typically constructed with Graded foams for comfort and pressure redistribution – including an immersion interface layer such as Airoform Memory. Any aged care mattress should have firm Strengthened Sides to reduce risk of falls.

Icon I34 Acute Care 165kg

Premium, facility grade, trusted triple layer pressure care mattress with firm strengthened sides and Advantiflex Classic cover for clients with a medium risk of pressure injury.

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Icon I35 Acute Care 200kg

Up-spec premium, facility grade four layer pressure care mattress with integrated heel slope and increased therapeutic weight loading of 200kg. Supplied as standard with the Advantiflex Classic cover.

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Aurea Ventraflow® 250kg

Manufactured with high specifications foams and the superior Premiflex Ultra cover, the Aurea Ventraflow is an ideal mattress where support, mobility, and micro-climate management is essential.

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Medium & Low Pressure Injury Risk – Value Mattresses

When on a tight budget, the Forté range of value mattresses for medium and low pressure injury risk residents are your go-to solution. All mattresses are supplied with a premium pressure care cover that meets all infection control requirements of the aged care facility.  Value mattresses typically have a lower maximum weight capacity and warranty periods, however, during their life, they deliver excellent care.

Aurea Modulated 180kg

Dual density mattress utilising Forté engineered foam technology and the Advantiflex Classic cover to provide immersion, micro-climate management, and support for repositioning for individuals with medium risk of pressure injury.

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Icon I31 Residential Care 150kg

Trusted basic triple layer pressure care mattress with firm strengthened sides and a hospital grade cover for clients with a medium risk of pressure injury.

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Merit 2A Premium

The Merit 2A is a premium grade, dual core medical mattress suited to low care applications where support and comfort are a necessity.

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Merit 2B Deluxe

The Merit 2B is a deluxe grade, dual core convoluted medical mattress designed for low care applications, providing comfort and support.

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Accessories: Sonnet, Finalé, Evacuation

Complete your bedroom package with pressure care and safety accessories tailored to suit your facility or unique client requirements. Risk of falls is high in the aged care environment – bed protection and floor mats are essential. Other accessories such as integrated mattress evacuation systems are available to make nursing and care safer and easier.

Sonnet 30 Degree Positioning Wedge

The ideal accessory to achieve 30° side-lying positioning as recommended in clinical best practice publications to achieve offloading for high risk areas of the body.

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Sonnet Heel Suspension Cushion

Easy to use support surface accessory to provide leg elevation and heel suspension for effective pressure relief to critical heel areas.

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Sonnet Heel Suspension Wedge

Support surface accessory to provide leg elevation and heel suspension for effective pressure relief to critical heel areas.

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Sonnet Low Profile Pressure Care Cushions

Premium quality, low profile pressure redistributing cushion with two layer graded foam core.

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Sonnet Plush High Profile Cushion

Premium quality, plush feel, high profile pressure redistributing cushion with three layer graded foam core.

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Finale 2 Bar Wrap Around Protector with Mesh

Designed for fitment to full-length bed rails, providing additional patient protection. The integration of a mesh panel between the rails provides increased visibility, reducing claustrophobia and improves air flow.

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Finalé Standard Floor Mat

The Finalé Fall Mat utilises an extremely high impact absorbing foam core for superior patient protection, and meets infection control and WH&S requirements.

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Finalé Bevelled Slimline Floor Matt

The Bevelled Slimline Finalé Fall Protection has been designed to provide ultimate protection for patients at risk of falling from the bed surface without jeopardising on WH&S and Infection Control.

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Bed Extension Bolsters

Finalé Medical Bed Bolsters are customisable in size and are available in core structures from a single layer foam to multi-layered, high care configurations.

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Forté Assure Evacuation System

The only evacuation system full integrated within the mattress – leaving no issues from straps falling loose or infection risks from exposed straps. Mattress foam is modified to encapsulate patient.

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Forté Standard Evacuation System

Evacuation system with cross-patient straps and pull-points built within the mattress cover. With all seams High Frequency welded, this evacuation system does not compromise on hygiene and infection control.

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Find the Perfectly Designed Mattress for Your Aged Care Facility with Forté

If you are looking for a mattress for aged care, look no further than Forté Healthcare for the ideal solution to your resident’s and facility requirements. Whether you are after volume manufacturing or bespoke one-off production, we can provide you with high quality medical mattress solutions that exceed resident expectations and are commercially viable.

We are an Australian owned company, and our mission is to protect and enhance the well-being of our customers. We use innovative ideas and apply new concepts and techniques to our range of products so that residents, family members and caregivers have the best experiences.

You can browse through the range of aged care bed mattresses on our website or request a catalogue from us today. If you would like to enquire further about our aged care mattresses, do not hesitate to contact us; we would love to hear your needs and propose a perfect mattress solution.


Effective infection prevention and control are central to providing high quality healthcare for residents and a safe working environment for those who work in aged care settings. The Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (the guidelines) provide evidence-based recommendations that outline the critical aspects of infection prevention and control, focusing on core principles and priority areas for action.

The guidelines describe the best way to prevent and reduce infections occurring in healthcare settings including resistant infections. The guidelines include how to manage common infectious agents, for example, gastrointestinal viruses and evolving infectious agents, for example, influenza or multi-drug resistant organisms.

Any infectious agents introduced into the body can establish infection. In all healthcare settings, reusable medical devices, such as mattresses, should be handled in a manner that will prevent patients, healthcare workers and environmental contact with potentially infectious material. Post COVID-19 pandemic, Cleaning and infection control have become a bigger concern than ever before.

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Appropriate reprocessing or precautions must be implemented for reusable equipment, such as the mattress to prevent patient-to-patient transmission of infectious agents.

Principles of reprocessing reusable medical devices include:

  • Only Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)-included reusable medical devices should be used; before purchase, healthcare facilities should ensure that manufacturer’s reprocessing instructions are provided and are able to be followed by the healthcare facility.
  • All reusable medical devices and patient-care equipment used in the clinical environment must be reprocessed according to their intended use and manufacturer’s advice.

However, Other standard precautions must take place. Standard precautions are basic infection prevention and control strategies that apply to everyone, regardless of their perceived or confirmed infectious status. Strategies include hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, cleaning, and appropriate handling and disposal of sharps. These are the first-line approach to infection prevention and control in health service organisations and are routinely applied as an essential strategy for minimising the spread of infections. Standard precautions minimise the risk of transmission of infectious agents from one person or place to another, even in high-risk situations, and render and maintain objects and areas as free as possible from infectious agents

Specifically, in relation to the support surface, there should be no exposed materials that will absorb fluid. As such, every mattress cover in the facility environment must have high frequency welded seams (as opposed to sewn) to meet infection control requirements and prevent seepage of fluid through open sewn seams. These electromagnetically fused seams protect against the risk of penetration fluid as they 100% seal off to prevent ingress of fluid or infection. To ensure extra strength, Forté reinforces welded seams with additional heavy duty stitching at stress points within the cover.

In addition, Forté mattress covers and foam cores are treated with anti-microbial treatment to prevent the growth of mould and bacteria on soft surfaces. It is a recommendation that soft surfaces must be impregnated with antimicrobial (self-disinfecting) materials.

All Forté products are included and registered onto the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). Unless exempt, reusable medical devices must be ‘included’ onto the ARTG before they may be supplied in Australia.

Forté mattresses can withstand stringent infection control procedures and have been designed to suit facility standards so you can have peace of mind that all areas of your facility are a safe, clean environments for staff and patients.

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Forté Healthcare; a family owned Australian company dedicated to excellence in the manufacture of Patient Support Surfaces, Medical Mattresses and Pressure Care Products. Day and night Forté products protect and enhance the well-being and comfort of patients and care givers in Aged Care Facilities.

Five Stars

Hear what Health Professionals say About Forté Healthcare Mattresses…

Five Stars

I really like your products and I have been to training held at AMS. I love the fact your products are Australian made and considered “local” for us in Newcastle.

Occupational Therapist
Newcastle, NSW

Five Stars

Forté Healthcare has been a pleasure to work with – the team is always easy to talk to and quick to respond to questions, queries and issues. We also had difficulty with a product and a new one was delivered the following business day ensuring participant safety and satisfaction.

Occupational Therapist
Sydney, NSW

Five Stars

We are really happy with the mattresses. Fantastic product especially given the short time frame for supply

Burnett Heads, QLD

Five Stars

You are amazing, it is on site with the client the day after it arrived. Can not thank you enough, really appreciate it. Hope you have a great week, you certainly made mine

Melbourne, VIC

Five Stars

Great product and Australian made. Locally owned and run as well as being a team of lovely people.

Sydney, NSW

Five Stars

Customer service is fantastic. Products are of a high quality. A pleasure to deal with Forte.

Sydney, NSW

Five Stars

Excellent company to deal with, quick turnaround. Carol fabulous to work with

Sunshine Coast, QLD

Five Stars

Have I mentioned what a fabulous company Forte is to deal with? It’s rare these days to have such tremendous support.

Sunshine Coast, QLD

Five Stars

Your products are easy to recommend as they are perfect for so many of our clients.
(And it helps that they are made in NSW too)

Sunshine Coast, QLD

Five Stars

Always an efficient and reliable service backed up by the personal, genuine communication.

Adelaide, SA

Five Stars

You guys are amazing! The service and follow up care is next to none. Love working with you guys!

Occupational Therapist
Sydney, NSW

Five Stars

Really helpful team at Forte, prompt with communication, great product knowledge, and they have gone above and beyond to support our purchase experience.

Aged Care Facility
Melbourne, VIC

Five Stars

I couldn’t speak highly enough of the team at Forte Healthcare. The team are a pleasure to work with, always professional, prompt and knowledgeable in their responses.
If you’re searching for an Australian made QUALITY medical mattress, look no further than Forte Healthcare, you won’t be disappointed!


Five Stars

An awesome team here and some Very, Very innovative products!

Sydney, NSW

Five Stars

Love the products, can not fault it in any way, the service from sales staff is exceptional.

Townsville, QLD

Five Stars

Always reliable, responsive, knowledgeable, helpful and suppliers of quality products. I’m a Forte fan!

Melbourne, VIC

Five Stars

An amazing team of experts in the Medical Mattress world, with fantastic products!

Melbourne, VIC

Five Stars

10/10 for mattress quality and selection and 10/10 for service from Bradley, Carol and Crystal.

Melbourne, VIC

Five Stars

We love forte !!! Carol and the team at forte are amazing to deal with. The forte products sell themselves.

Melbourne, VIC


Can I use an electric blanket?

Yes, if there are no exposed wires and it operates at below 60°C. Please keep pressure care in mind however, consulting with your doctor or healthcare professional first.

Can your mattresses be made to a custom size?

Yes, Forté can customise any mattress to suit any bed platform. Customised items will be more expensive than standard sizing and do take longer through production.

Can I trial your mattresses?

Yes, most mattresses are available for trial. Contact Forté or your local distributor to make arrangements